1. The mysteries of HTML box heights

    Today's post is not "fully cooked", I still don't think I figured this topic out, but I did learn a few things.

    Today I needed to do some css hacking for a dashboard I'm building with streamlit. I was using a grid element from the streamlit-extras package, and I wanted …

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  2. Update with join in sqlite

    I converted a csv containing customer information to a sqlite table, and it needed breaking down to several tables. Specifically, some columns where really about the employer, so it was better to normalize the employers in the table out and bring these columns along.

    To normalize the Employer column I …

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  3. Weekly Digest #1

    Seems like I am not getting enough inspiration to write a well-developed post about something, so I am trying something new, collecting "micro-posts" about stuff I have done or read during the week.


    I have an ongoing quest to learn physics. As it always is when learning by oneself …

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  4. Adventures In Differential Equations II

    Several outlooks on differential equations

    In math as in life, the same object of study can be looked upon from multiple perspectives. Each perspective offers a different insight into a problem, and often the same problem can be very difficult from one perspective, yet clear from another.

    In this post …

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  5. Adventures In Differential Equations I

    On the insanity of Differential Equations books

    When one wishes to study the topic of Differential Equations, there is no shortage (and perhaps an overabundance) of books. Thus I was immediately confronted with a first difficulty: which book to pick? After some googling and browsing through Reddit I settled on …

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