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  1. Remember the trigonometric addition identity

    If you're like me, you don't remember trig identities. If you're like me, you prefer rederiving stuff yourself. It's a perk of math that we replace memorization with derivation. Still, it takes time, and distracts you from what you're actually doing. Also, deriving trig identities isn't so easy without some …

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  2. Adventures In Differential Equations II

    Several outlooks on differential equations

    In math as in life, the same object of study can be looked upon from multiple perspectives. Each perspective offers a different insight into a problem, and often the same problem can be very difficult from one perspective, yet clear from another.

    In this post …

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  3. Adventures In Differential Equations I

    On the insanity of Differential Equations books

    When one wishes to study the topic of Differential Equations, there is no shortage (and perhaps an overabundance) of books. Thus I was immediately confronted with a first difficulty: which book to pick? After some googling and browsing through Reddit I settled on …

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