1. IMDB Reviews sentiment analysis

    "It’s better to do something simple which is real. It’s something you can build on because you know what you’re doing. Whereas, if you try to approximate something very advanced and you don’t know what you’re doing, you can’t build on it." - Bill Evans …

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  2. Remember the trigonometric addition identity

    If you're like me, you don't remember trig identities. If you're like me, you prefer rederiving stuff yourself. It's a perk of math that we replace memorization with derivation. Still, it takes time, and distracts you from what you're actually doing. Also, deriving trig identities isn't so easy without some …

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  3. Yet another retrospective

    I expect another couple of days before I can submit a pull request. Today after some horrendous debugging I finally got some tangible progress. status, log, add-all and commit all seem to be working, perhaps even init (but still inconclusive). Still need to add push and pull. Then I need …

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  4. Pushing through

    I reached a milestone today in my project to integrate git into the mobile version of logseq. Finally the git functions like add, status, init were working. I also realized that all the work and time that I put in so far was to writh this file system adapter that …

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  5. Saturday Physics

    Originally I intended to write about a physics problem I did today, but then this turned into more of a journal thing, so feel free to skip it.

    More thoughts about sabbatical

    After another week, a recurring thought that is troubling me is my productivity. I question myself again and …

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  6. Learning Biology with flashcards

    Today I want to talk a bit about my PKM setup. This is mostly because the main thing I did today was study biology and prepare flashcards, so I might as well write about it.

    I've been listening in the last month and a half to lectures from "the great …

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  7. At the door steps of Mordor

    The goal

    A short recap of where we are (will probably refactor this to retroactive posts eventually): I'm trying to switch logseq's git dependency from dugite to isomorphic-git, so it can run on android, browser etc. The problem with dugite is that it depends on the presence of a git …

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  8. My first PR

    So the company I worked at went bankrupt. I decided to take this time off to do some projects, figure out what's interesting to me. I'm one of these chronic project stallers: I always start stuff and almost never finish. I guess a lot of people are like that, but …

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  9. A tidbit about docker containers

    I played around with docker containers today. Tried to install mssql on an M2 mac. Didn't go smoothly at first, but I attribute it to inexperience. The arm architecture crops up here and there when you're on one of those. Anyway, cool thing:

    You can run a terminal inside a …

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