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  1. MiniAI learner

    Today I'm recreating the learner framework from the FastAI course. It's a flexible and quite powerful abstraction around the optimization of the DNN model, which streamlines the user experience. For example, it will be very easy to add different logging capabilities, learning rate finder etc. It is built during the …

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  2. A naive autoencoder on FashionMNIST

    Today we'll recreate the fastai notebook on autoencoders, where we train a vanilla autoencoder in FashionMNIST. Even though the autoencoder was actually doing a pretty bad job, it will be good practice for working with HuggingFace databases, CNNs and autoencoders.

    Getting the data

    import datasets
    from torch.utils.data import …
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  3. Building up PyTorch abstractions: Part 1

    Today we will retrace lesson 13-14's notebook that "builds up" pytorch abstractions from scratch. As a first step we'll rederive everything in hardcore numpy (maybe hardcore should be reserved for C). Then we'll start building the abstractions.

    First up we load mnist data:

    from pathlib import Path
    from …
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  4. Debugging session: Logseq Omnivore plugin

    I'm trying to debug a weird issue with the Logseq omnivore plugin where it takes forever to sync and it seemingly creates and deletes pages needlessly.

    My first step was to properly setting up a dev env (pnpm dev) which didn't work out of the box, instead of just building …

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  5. RNN generations

    On advice from my uncle I'm continuing to fallback on task difficulty with RNNs.

    Unc's tips: - Swirch to generation task - Try residuals - Go deeper - Add projections - No dropout?

    Let's recreate Karpathy's classic post and train a language model on tiny-shakespeare. We can get the entire dataset which is a text …

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  6. Shifting to translation with RNNs

    I'm pivoting the RNN summarization code to an easier example - Machine translation. Easier in the sense of the dataset, which consists of much shorter en-de sentence pairs compared to the summarization task. I have some suspicion that the there is a bug or something in my code, so today, after …

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