Today we'll recreate the fastai notebook on autoencoders, where we train a vanilla autoencoder in FashionMNIST. Even though the autoencoder was actually doing a pretty bad job, it will be good practice for working with HuggingFace databases, CNNs and autoencoders.
Today we will retrace lesson 13-14's notebook that "builds up" pytorch abstractions from scratch. As a first step we'll rederive everything in hardcore numpy (maybe hardcore should be reserved for C). Then we'll start building the abstractions.
Reading the variational autoencoder chapter from the "Understanding Deep Learning" book (which is available for free!). Not trivial, which is why I never got around to learning it, I guess. There are a lot of moving math parts to figure out. One of them is called "the reparametrization trick". So …
I'm trying to debug a weird issue with the Logseq omnivore plugin where it takes forever to sync and it seemingly creates and deletes pages needlessly.
My first step was to properly setting up a dev env (pnpm dev) which didn't work out of the box, instead of just building …
Today I'm going to recreate the pipeline shown in lesson 10 of the course. We'll go through what's needed on the high-level, using pretrained models for everything. The pipeline is fed in a text prompt and it produces an image. A prompt means we need a tokenizer to …
I'm pivoting the RNN summarization code to an easier example - Machine translation. Easier in the sense of the dataset, which consists of much shorter en-de sentence pairs compared to the summarization task. I have some suspicion that the there is a bug or something in my code, so today, after …
Today we're gonna dip our fingers into the first generative NLP task - text summarization. We're gonna use the CNN/Daily Mail dataset as done in this paper. Let's get to it.
Data prep
I started by doing all the preprocessing of the files myself, but then found a the dataset …
"It’s better to do something simple which is real. It’s something you can build on because you know what you’re doing. Whereas, if you try to approximate something very advanced and you don’t know what you’re doing, you can’t build on it." - Bill Evans …